After each session, I always feel a sense of calm and contentment."

Kimberly always makes you feel like achieving your goals is right around the corner, no matter what you may be going through. Her sense of poise, tranquility and empathy really helps you to feel very comfortable accepting where you are in life, and enhancing your best qualities, customized to your lifestyle. 

— A.J.

“I am grateful and blessed for this experience.”

I wasn't planning to join the Diva Circle, it just happened! When two souls unite and one step brings you closer to what you're looking for in life, you just do it. It was the right time, right place and right person. I believe in everything happening for a reason and this was the reason I met with Kim that day. I am grateful and blessed for this experience.

— J.H.

Diva InVision was not only a wonderful experience getting together with my best girlfriends and bonding over our life goals, but in the days, weeks and months following this workshop, shifts began occurring in my life that have directly aligned with my goals. Truly a life changing and empowering experience!

— L.F.


“It made me feel like I wasn't alone with my struggles...”

I was excited about getting out of my day to day and meeting women that were looking for a similar experience. We were all facing different challenges in our lives, yet we were able to connect, listen, grow and feel what others were going through. It made me feel like I wasn't alone with my struggle and could tackle my blind spot head on by recognizing my patterns and shifting my focus. I was drawn to the meditations and creating my vision for the future. I believe that I am worthy of love and will find my own fairy tale. I am grateful and blessed for this experience." 

— J.H.

“It’s been a while now since we created our boards and I’m happy to say much has been accomplished since then from the whole group- new jobs, new homes and even a new baby!”

Working with Kim and her Diva InVision workshop has been so much fun! It was chance for me to gather my friends together for an opportunity to step into wellness in a whole new way. At first you think, what can a vision board really do? Isn't it just scraps of paper on a board? But what it does is it gets the conversation and thoughts flowing. It’s hard to imagine that in a few hours I learned more about myself and even more about my friends. There’s laughing, crying, encouragement and a ton of surprises during the process. It’s been a while now since we created our boards and I’m happy to say much has been accomplished since then from the whole group- new jobs, new homes and even a new baby! Thank you, Kimberly and Diva InVision!

— D.M.

"Create Your Vision 2018 is an absolute game changer!"

Create Your Vision 2018 is an absolute game changer! It allowed me to narrow down and focus on my goals and wishes. It is incredible what you are willing to want out of life when you are surrounded by a group of strong and supportive individuals who inspire your limitless potential, which in turn  allows you to put your fears and doubts aside. Kimberly and Sari created a session that was very well rounded with meditation, yoga, and visualization. I left feeling like my mind, body and soul had been revitalized. If there is anyone that feels hesitant to participate in a session like this, please do yourself a favour and sign up immediately! I have never practiced yoga in my life, nor did I think I could meditate; however the incredible Sari and Kimberly made me feel at ease, accepted and genuinely welcomed. I can't say enough about Create Your Vision 2018! I am hungry for more and am hoping I don't have to wait until the end of 2018 to attend another epic session! Thank you Kimberly and Sari!                                             

— T.P.


Love Notes by Wellness Divas